Expressing shades of LoveWhen some one cant hear or speak, there opens a door to express their intense feeling of Love and all those shades of emotions with no…Nov 18, 2024Nov 18, 2024
Vande Mukunda Hare..!It is Krishna’s Birthday, he is now 97 yrs old. He woke up at 5 am and did Yoga, Pooja and other rituals which he was following from his…Dec 20, 2023Dec 20, 2023
The Personal Mastery Framework(A framework for Healthy, Happy and Contented Life)Dec 12, 2023Dec 12, 2023
My Philosophy of life described in AI textWork, discipline, speech, health, and worship → Which i am practice for a long time now. Here is an excellent description by GPT. Good to…Jan 27, 2023Jan 27, 2023
Ordinary Man with Extra Ordinary MindOnce upon a time, i was walking to my new office in Bangalore. Suddenly a stranger came and ask me “where is the Strategic Bank”. He is a…Aug 27, 2022Aug 27, 2022
Is this the life I Need to live?Ram believes he can do anything under the Sun and if determined he will. But he is not satisfied, so he decided to travel and taste many…Aug 17, 2022Aug 17, 2022
The Short Fable about Economy and BusinessLong before Government of Richland Printed new 100 r notes and distributed to economy (citizens). We will take a sample of extremes —…Jun 17, 2022Jun 17, 2022
Uniting Threat Vulnerability and RiskI have a unclear vision for a long time on — how i can combine Risk, Vulnerability and Threat data available and use it flexibly for…Apr 22, 2022Apr 22, 2022
Detection and Response Case StudyDuring early days of my Career i was asked to convey to leadership why they should invest in Detection and Response [Read here after as…Jul 7, 2021Jul 7, 2021